d3MIND-SETS has just released three new deliverables, divided into four publications. The first of these (D3.1), The MIND-SETS Approach, discusses the four elements of this approach: the human footprint, the digital footprint, innovative products, and new activity spaces. The next (D3.2), Future Mobility  Challenges: Expert Assessments Based on the MIND-SETS Approach discusses some of the experiences and insights that came out of the project’s workshops and focus groups. The third, Future Trends in Mobility: Challenges for Transport Planning Tools and Related Decision-Making on Mobility Product and Service Development talks about car and bike sharing, automated mobility, and the policy implications of these new products and services. The last document included with these deliverables, entitled Future Trends in Mobility: The Rise of the Sharing Economy and Automated Transport, is a technical annex to D3.3. It follows the same structure as the main document, but delves deeper into the arguments, tackles the technical issues in greater depth and contains a full reference list.