Author Archives: Federico Giorgilli

The radar chart: Mapping generational attitudes towards mobility

How a product or service is received, and its potential success, depends very much on how well the product matches its target market’s attitudes, values, and habits. If we can better understand how these change between generations, we can begin to predict how different generations might react to various policies, products and services. The MIND-SETS radar chart is an interactive tool that maps generational attitudes and behaviours, along with products and services, in order to see where they align, and where they don’t.

This easy-to-use interactive tool was born out of a simple question: Why? Why are millennials more into sharing than any previous generation? Why are baby boomers unwilling to leave their private cars behind? We analysed the values, reasons, and motivations underlying these mobility behaviours, to better understand the attitudes and perceptions that come out of specific social, environmental and economic contexts.

The four quadrants

The four quadrants of mobility behaviour

After analysing these differences – why these generations differed in their behaviours, and where their mobility behaviours differed, we identified four quadrants, each one describing a behavioural domain of mobility:

  • Safe mobility: Being in control, whether you take risks, but with a lifestyle focus.
  • Smart mobility: How much you are connected and feel in control.
  • Social mobility: ‘Me’ vs ‘we’. Whether you’re using your own mobility or prepared to share it.
  • Sustainable mobility: How much you value a green and healthy lifestyle.

The eight roots

The eight roots of mobility behaviour

These quadrants can be broken down into eight roots of mobility decision making, reflecting an attitude that lies along a continuum; whether you avoid risks or embrace them; whether or not you value control and privacy; how highly you value things like eco-consciousness and sharing. Using consumer data and an analysis of consumer trends, we mapped these ‘roots’ against the values that are particularly salient within each generation.

Here we can see how important each of these values is to the different generations. We can also begin to see generational trends, for example how younger generations put a higher value on flexibility, while the older generations desire more privacy and control.

The generations and their values

Comparing the root values of millennials and baby boomers

By mapping these generations against their mobility value sets, we can directly compare generations and understand what they need and expect from their mobility products and services. You can see how millennials, scoring highly in roots such as eco-consciousness and community, might want very different things than the baby boomers, who have quite a different profile.

But the tool can also be used to map the values that are implied or catered to by a specific mobility product or service. This is where the radar chart becomes particularly valuable for mobility decision makers; as a means for comparing generations with mobility products and services.

Mapping generations, products and services

Over the course of the project, we talked to people who had developed new products and services in the mobility field, and we began mapping new and innovative mobility products and services against the generations and their values. One example of this is the halfbike, a new cycle design from Bulgaria.

Here we can see how the characteristics of the product (or the expectations of the developer) overlap with the values of different generations. Although the product doesn’t seem to exactly ‘fit’ with any of the generations, many of the points on the scale were a close match with certain generations. The charts below show what aspects of the product appeal to different generations. Highlighting these specific aspects and marketing towards the generations that had the closest “match” could maximise the product’s ROI.

Millennials and the halfbike

Master boomers and the halfbike

This tool can predict how likely it is that a product or service will be accepted by a selected target market – enabling developers to “test” their concept. This can also be used for new mobility policies, for existing products and services, and could even reveal unexpected markets where a product might be successful – such as the Master Boomer generation for a Millennial-marketed product.

The radar chart can help innovators identify how a product fits different mobility markets, reflecting the different technological, generational and societal changes that have taken place over the last few decades. It can help teams visualise the potential demand for new mobility products and services and allow them to see where there might be a gap in the market, or where the mobility needs of a certain population group are not currently being met. This, combined with the other tools available on the MSKC, will allow decision-makers to have a 360-degree perspective of their citizens and their markets.

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The MIND-SETS final conference: Towards user-centric transport in Europe

The MIND-SETS final conference will be held jointly with Mobility4EU to address challenges, solutions and collaborations to create more user-centric mobility in Europe. The event will be held in Brussels on May 22-23, 2017 at Bouche à Oreille, Rue Félix Hap, 11, 1040 Brussels.

Keynote speakers at the event will provide the impetus for a discussion with a selection of ongoing European projects that are looking into future transport and mobility needs and solutions in Europe. Together with the conference participants, they will create a new prism through which to understand European transport.

The MIND-SETS session on May 22 will open with a discussion of the need for a new human-centred vision of mobility. Then, the consortium partners will present the origins of the MIND-SETS approach, which blends many disciplines, including economics, psychology, sociology, social networking and generational footprints. The project’s new understanding of mobility, and how future decision-making and lifestyles will impact planning, assessment and new products and services will also be discussed. Finally, there will be an interactive session where participants will be able to view the forthcoming MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre, including an interactive tool predicting user perceptions of mobility policies, products and services.

Admittance to this event is free, but registration is required as places are limited. Please write to to see if spaces are still available.


MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU updated conference agenda

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU practical information

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU conference registration

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MIND-SETS final conference on May 22-23, 2017 in Brussels

An updated agendapractical information, and details on the parallel workshops are now available for the MIND-SETS final conference, which will be held jointly with Mobility4EU to address challenges, solutions and collaborations to create more user-centric mobility in Europe.

Mobility4EU is establishing a roadmap for the transport system in Europe in 2030 by identifying and assessing societal challenges that will influence future transport and demand. To put this plan in action, Mobility4EU is setting up an interactive stakeholder forum. MIND-SETS, on the other hand, offers guidelines and tools that will give policy makers and decision takers a valuable new outlook on 21st century mobility.

Keynote speakers at the event will provide the impetus for a discussion with a selection of ongoing European projects that are looking into future transport and mobility needs and solutions in Europe. Together with the conference participants, they will create a new prism through which to understand European transport.

Tomorrow’s transport issues will require innovative solutions, and innovative solutions require imaginative questions.

Don’t miss the chance to brainstorm imaginative questions and to see the new mobility, along with its complex and multifaceted challenges, with different eyes.

Brussels, 22nd and 23rd of May 2017
Bouche à Oreille
Rue Félix Hap, 11
1040 Bruxelles

Admittance to this event is free, but registration is required as places are limited. Please write to to see if spaces are still available.


MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU updated conference agenda

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU parallel workshops

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU practical information

Preliminary results of MIND-SETS presented to the various target groups

Professor Laurie Pickup and Alexandra Kershaw of Vectos South Ltd, Silvia Gaggi of ISINNOVA, and Radu Gaspar of EIP have been busy spreading the word about the MIND-SETS project. Laurie recently presented the upcoming results of the project to the European Commission in Brussels and to city authorities and policy makers at the European Mobility Week, while Alexandra and Silvia spoke before a number of academics and researchers in Bolzano, at the EURAC conference. Radu Gașpar, meanwhile, participated in the Annual Orașe Energie România (OER) Conference, where he presented MIND-SETS to an audience representing municipal and national authorities, companies and academics. They introduced their audiences to the MIND-SETS tool, designed to help decision makers gain a better understanding of how Europeans may respond to new mobility policies, products and services. This tool will soon be available on the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre.

In their presentations, Laurie, Alexandra, Silvia, and Radu explained how current trends in mobility and transport policy in Europe are set against rapid social and lifestyle changes where mobility plays an ever-increasing role. They also highlighted how the appetite for mobility continues to grow, and how this is exacerbating the gap between those who have it and those who lack it. High mobility is increasingly a label of social success and low mobility one of social failure. New forms of mobility such as sharing and renting were emphasised as ‘flagships’ for sustainability. Are these new mobility modes reaching their peak – a feature of a younger millennial generation that will fade as they acquire wealth into their middle age – or do they represent the start of a new wave of future mobility? The growth of ‘new mobility’ as a mix of both the physical and the virtual was also explored – virtual travel alternatives and in-street, in-vehicle texting – is this a pandemic of addiction or a mobility stairway to heaven? Finally, they looked at how ‘new mobility’ trends relate to social well–being – why is it that we have never had it so good and yet never felt so bad?

For a more in-depth understanding of MIND-SETS and its findings regarding mobility trends, register for the final conference in Brussels on May 22-23.

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MIND-SETS Newsletter 3 released

MIND-SETS Newsletter 3The third MIND-SETS newsletter has now been released. It contains an explanation of the long-awaited MIND-SETS approach, which distinguishes four interrelated but distinct aspects of mobility experience and policy: as a lifestyle, information, service and reality concept. We then look at how the sharing economy, automated mobility and other technological advances have made it necessary to change transport modelling and the way we manage transport demand. There is also a recap of the MIND-SETS workshop held in September in Brussels. We also talk about the upcoming MIND-SETS bulletins, offer a glimpse of next year’s initiatives and give some information regarding the presentation of the project at a recent Mobility4EU conference.

Read it for yourself and join the debate on LinkedIn and Twitter!