Category Archives: News

MIND-SETS Newsletter 5 released

The fifth MIND-SETS newsletter has now been released. In this issue, we share our impressions of the final conference, summarise the project’s results, and link to the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre (MSKC).

Read it for yourself and join the debate on LinkedIn and Twitter!

A multi-disciplinary look at user-centred transport: Results from the MIND-SETS final conference

The MIND-SETS final conference, which was held on May 22-23, 2017 in Brussels with Mobility4EU, took a look at transport issues and the future of mobility from a variety of perspectives. The day began with an introduction to the two projects, which address the impact of societal trends and the challenges facing European mobility. Ioana Adamescu spoke about the European Commission’s priorities and objectives, starting with the direction they would like to see mobility move in over the next few years and decades. The EC wants to see a more inclusive and sustainable mobility that contributes to the well-being of all Europeans. There are also concerns related to Big Data and how to manage it – how to balance its usefulness in creating better and more tailored solutions with the need for protecting privacy.

This introduction from the EC easily segued into the next two presentations, which asked how we can create a more human city and a more inclusive society. To achieve this, we need to carefully consider the role of mobility, as this has a crucial impact on people’s self-esteem, social status and well-being.

Several partners from the MIND-SETS consortium then explained the multidisciplinary MIND-SETS approach and presented the results of the project. Different “mobility mind-sets” – from economics, psychology, sociology, ICT and other disciplines – need to be integrated if we want to achieve a more sustainable and inclusive mobility. We can utilise what we know about behavioural economics and decision-making biases to encourage better user choices. Understanding how mobility fulfils our psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness – or, conversely, how restricted mobility frustrates these psychological needs – can help us build a happier and more inclusive society. Social networks can either transform or bolster existing travel patterns, and the data generated by these networks and by ICTs in general will go a long way towards making mobility smarter, seamless and more sustainable. There is also an important generational element when it comes to exploring user behaviour; it was demonstrated how one initiative was able to harness generational values (the millennial propensity towards sharing) to create connections with older people, improving both their access to mobility and their quality of life.

After a lunch in the garden, where participants were able to mingle and reflect on the morning’s ideas, an interactive session took place in which participants ranked current and future transport innovations by how safe, smart, social and sustainable they are. The main purpose of this session was to introduce the radar charts, an interactive tool that will be available at the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre. This tool is designed to help predict user acceptance of policies, products and services.

The day continued with a discussion of the future of Europe’s transport as the focus passed to the Mobility4EU project. The discussion continued on the second day, which also featured a series of collaborative workshops on transport education, transport innovation and seamless mobility.

Agenda and presentations

Day 1 – 22 May 2017 (10H-19H30)

10:00- 10:30 Welcome coffee
Chairperson: Linda Napoletano, Deep Blue (Italy)

Changing professional MIND-SETS: a collaborative work effort with European experts and professionals
Chairperson: Silvia Gaggi, ISINNOVA (Italy),
Berfu Unal, University of Groningen, Laurie Pickup, VECTOS, Pnina Plaut, Technion, Laurent Franckx

13:00-14:00 Lunch break and networking
Interactive session with the audience: participants will have a chance to explore the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre, will get a preview of the MIND-SETS insights, and will be able to try out an interactive tool that predicts user perceptions of various mobility products, policies and services.
Laurie Pickup, VECTOS, Lucia Cristea, Radu Gasper, EIP
Herman Konings, Pocket Marketing
15:30-16:00 Coffee break and networking
Chairperson: Beate Müller, VDI/VDE-IT (Germany)

From 17:30 Networking cocktail

Day 2 – 23 May 2017 (8H30-14H30)

08:30-09:00 Welcome coffee
Chairperson: Kay Plötner, Bauhaus Luftfahrt (Germany)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break and networking
11:00-12:30 Collaborations and Joint activities
SESSION A – Towards a seamless passenger journey

  • Enhancing multi-modal collaboration between service providers
    Facilitator: Annika Paul, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, DATASET2050
  • Reducing passengers’ overall travel time and enhancing passenger experience
    Facilitator: Genovefa Kefalidou, The University of Nottingham, PASSME

SESSION B – User co-created innovation

  • Insights in passenger needs and (innovative) ideas through co-creation
    Facilitator: Evelien Marlier, European Passenger Federation, CIPTEC
  • Making decisions about travel in the future
    Facilitator: Tom Cohen, Senior Research Associate at UCL Centre for Transport Studies, CREATE
  • New consumer behaviour – new business opportunities. SocialCar in the sharing economy
    Facilitator: Massimo Marciani, FIT Consulting, Social Car

SESSION C – Future transport education

  • Challenges for employment in transport
    Facilitator: Wouter Van den Berghe, Belgian Road Safety Institute, SKILLFUL
12:30-13:30 Conclusions and way forward
Inputs from the interactive sessions, conclusions from Mobility4EU and MIND-SETS and a wrap up by EC will close the conference.
13:30-14:30 Goodbye lunch

Photo gallery

These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690732 Mobility4EU and No 640401 MIND-SETS.

*Please note that the views expressed in these remarks are personal and do not express a commitment or official policy of the European Commission.

MIND-SETS Newsletter 4 released

The fourth MIND-SETS newsletter has now been released. In it, we cordially invite you to the MIND-SETS final conference, to be held jointly with Mobility4EU. We then offer a preview of the radar chart, one of the tools that will be available on the MIND-SETS Knowledge Centre (MSKC). The radar chart visually maps the likely attitudes of various generations towards different mobility policies, products and services. In other news, the preliminary results of the project have been presented to the various target groups over the last couple of months and we have briefly summarised these results. Next, we provide an overview and example of the 170 MIND-SETS insights, which will give users a more in-depth understanding of new mobility products, services and trends. These insights, which derive from the wealth of material coordinated in the project, will be available on the MSKC. Finally, you will get a glimpse of the MIND-SETS editorials, another important tool available on the MSKC. The editorials will give decision-makers an overview of mobility with a multi-disciplinary perspective, encompassing economic, behavioural, psychological and generational factors.

Read it for yourself and join the debate on LinkedIn and Twitter!


MIND-SETS final conference on May 22-23, 2017 in Brussels

An updated agendapractical information, and details on the parallel workshops are now available for the MIND-SETS final conference, which will be held jointly with Mobility4EU to address challenges, solutions and collaborations to create more user-centric mobility in Europe.

Mobility4EU is establishing a roadmap for the transport system in Europe in 2030 by identifying and assessing societal challenges that will influence future transport and demand. To put this plan in action, Mobility4EU is setting up an interactive stakeholder forum. MIND-SETS, on the other hand, offers guidelines and tools that will give policy makers and decision takers a valuable new outlook on 21st century mobility.

Keynote speakers at the event will provide the impetus for a discussion with a selection of ongoing European projects that are looking into future transport and mobility needs and solutions in Europe. Together with the conference participants, they will create a new prism through which to understand European transport.

Tomorrow’s transport issues will require innovative solutions, and innovative solutions require imaginative questions.

Don’t miss the chance to brainstorm imaginative questions and to see the new mobility, along with its complex and multifaceted challenges, with different eyes.

Brussels, 22nd and 23rd of May 2017
Bouche à Oreille
Rue Félix Hap, 11
1040 Bruxelles

Admittance to this event is free, but registration is required as places are limited. Please write to to see if spaces are still available.


MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU updated conference agenda

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU parallel workshops

MIND-SETS/MOBILITY4EU practical information

MIND-SETS Newsletter 3 released

MIND-SETS Newsletter 3The third MIND-SETS newsletter has now been released. It contains an explanation of the long-awaited MIND-SETS approach, which distinguishes four interrelated but distinct aspects of mobility experience and policy: as a lifestyle, information, service and reality concept. We then look at how the sharing economy, automated mobility and other technological advances have made it necessary to change transport modelling and the way we manage transport demand. There is also a recap of the MIND-SETS workshop held in September in Brussels. We also talk about the upcoming MIND-SETS bulletins, offer a glimpse of next year’s initiatives and give some information regarding the presentation of the project at a recent Mobility4EU conference.

Read it for yourself and join the debate on LinkedIn and Twitter!