Barcelona_workshop_photo1On October 29-30 in Barcelona, MIND-SETS held a workshop on transport technologies and human behaviour. For the first time the project was opened up to the outside, involving external expertise to better understand mobility mind-sets for different groups of people and different generations as our societies move into the digital age. It was limited to approximately 40 high-level experts coming from well-known universities, research institutes and consulting firms from across Europe. The lively debate was structured in plenary sessions to explain various aspects of the project to the participants and parallel sessions on four topics representing the key challenges of future mobility for users, decision takers and product and service providers: mobility automation; new appraisal methodologies for seamless mobility; smart and virtual mobility; and mobility inclusion and sustainability. Each session analysed the topic in light of the MIND-SETS concept: consider the user/people and not just technology.

The conclusions from each session will be used to create the MIND-SETS guidelines and Knowledge Centre, designed to help practitioners make better decisions regarding mobility, ones that take into consideration user behaviour and psychology. These conclusions will be available to the public on our website.