Mobility automation: A double-edged swordThe MIND-SETS insights are an invaluable tool for gaining a fuller understanding of current trends and how these will affect mobility in the future. On topics ranging from Green Mobility to Big Data, the insights provide a general overview of the situation and some key points, followed by a more in-depth analysis and suggestions for further reading.

For example, have you ever had any doubts or fears regarding the transition to automated mobility? Are automated vehicles safe? How will automation affect jobs? How will pricing structures be affected? If so, then you may want to read the MIND-SETS insight on Mobility automation: A double-edged sword.

Unlike the radar diagrams, which predict customer acceptance of new products and services, and unlike the editorials, which provide expert opinions from a variety of perspectives, the insights analyse current trends and provide some food for thought on how these trends might affect future mobility. If we imagine mobility decision makers as being on a road trip, driving towards a better understanding of how Europeans think about mobility, the radar tool is their map, the insights are their directions, and the editorials are the reviews and impressions that give added meaning to their journey.

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